Why is My T-Zone Breaking Out?

Breakouts are annoying! They decrease our self-confidence and make it hard for us to feel our best. Sometimes they’re even painful, particularly when you get those angry cystic pimples that stubbornly live under your skin.

For many of us, we’re no strangers to getting breakouts on the T-zone of our faces, but we’d rather avoid them altogether. In this article we'll explore the T-zone, why this area of your face is so prone to breakouts and what we can do about it.

What is the T-Zone?

Beauty magazines and skincare companies are always talking about the T-zone, but not everyone is familiar with what that means or why our skin tends to behave differently in this area. The T-Zone refers to your forehead, nose, and chin because these form the shape of the letter T. You may notice that this section of your face tends to get a little oily throughout the day. 

Why is My T-Zone Breaking Out?

While excess oil is definitely an issue in the T-zone, it’s not the only problem that ruin your day. We’re also more prone to experiencing acne in this area for a few different reasons. To prevent this from happening, you’ll need to identify the root cause. Here’s what might be triggering your breakouts:

  • Excess Oil Production: The T-zone has more sebaceous glands than the rest of the face. In fact, we have sebaceous glands all over our bodies, except on the palms and the soles of the feet. The most concentrated areas of sebaceous glands are on the face and scalp. These are the glands that are responsible for producing the oil that ultimately creates a shiny appearance on the skin. When these glands produce too much oil, it can increase the risk of acne. And since there are extra sebaceous glands on the T-zone, it means there’s a higher likelihood of getting breakouts in this area, as opposed to your cheeks or jaw line. 

  • Environmental Pollution: Unfortunately, our skin is bombarded with pollution that lingers in the air on a daily basis. This can lead to clogged pores and whiteheads. Because there’s nothing we can do to stop ourselves from encountering this pollution, the only option we have is to use our skincare routine to create a defence. Giving your skin a deep cleanse twice a day and using a purifying face mask usually gets the job done.

  • Changes in the Climate: Another reason your T-zone is breaking out could be the climate where you live. As the seasons change, our skin can sometimes start behaving badly due to the sudden change in temperature. For instance, in the summer, we might notice our skin tends to get a bit oilier while in the winter it will tend to dry out. Add air conditioning and central heating to the mix and your skin is dealing with a lot of competing demands. To help with these seasonal transitions, you’ll want to swap out skincare products for what’s needed in the moment, because our skin needs different treatments for different seasonal conditions. year-round. In the summer, a lighter gel cleanser might be your go-to. And in the winter, you may opt for a cream cleanser or a heavier moisturizer that adds a bit of hydration to combat the harsh, dry temperatures.

Treatments for Your T-Zone

Now that you know what is likely causing those T-zone breakouts, it’s time to come up with a solution that will leave you with clear, glowing skin. And the answer is to develop a skincare routine with carefully selected products that address your unique needs. Here are some go-to tips to help you get rid of an oily T-zone and keep away the breakouts:

  • Wash and Moisturize Morning and Night: If you’re dreaming of clear, matte skin, then you need to get serious about sticking to your skincare routine. That means cleansing morning and night to remove dirt and pollutants, as well as excess oil. Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards, even if your skin is already oily. Oftentimes the body produces extra oil to combat dryness.

  • Use a Multi-Masking Technique: Have you ever heard of someone using multiple face masks at once? If not, you’ll want to try it out for yourself! This technique requires you to use different types of masks on specific parts of the face depending on its unique needs. For instance, you may want a clay mask on the T-zone that reduces oil and breakouts, while using a creamier mask on the cheeks to restore moisture and keep the skin hydrated.

  • Exfoliate a Few Times Per Week: Whether you prefer a physical or chemical exfoliant, both are great options for removing a build-up of oil and giving the skin a deep cleanse. Use your preferred exfoliant two or three times per week for the best results. Not only will it help with oil and breakouts, but it’ll give you a nice glow as well. If you notice oil showing up on your T-zone around midday, don’t panic. Simply use blotting sheets or a translucent powder to absorb the oil and give your skin a shine-free look. It’s quick, easy, and effective.

Caring for Your T-Zone

Oil and breakouts in the T-zone are completely normal, so never feel like you’re alone in the journey to clear up your skin. What’s important is that you figure out what’s causing your skin issues and use products that will address your biggest concerns. In time, you’ll get your skin under control so you can look and feel your best.