Choosing a Clay Mask for Your Skin Type

Clay masks have long been a skincare staple for hundreds of years leading to a modern world with an awful lot of options on the market today. It can certainly feel a little overwhelming to choose the type of mask, or clay, that’s right for you to get the desired results. We’ve done a tremendous amount of research on this topic, we’ve created different formulas, we’ve experimented with different clays and well...we know a thing or two about clay masks.

In this article we’re going to share some tips for selecting the right mask formula that will improve your complexion and have you looking and feeling absolutely amazing.

What You Need to Know About Clay Masks

As a naturally occurring substance, the cosmetic-grade clay that is typically used in face masks is found in very fine soil and sediment from the natural earth. Some clays, such as the very popular bentonite clay, actually come from volcanic ash.

While these clays have been used in various remedies over the years, face masks are one of the most common uses due to their ability to soak up the skin’s oil and reduce impurities. When selecting your mask, you should try to get educated as to your own skin type, skin concerns and skin conditions in various environments. There are masks for every budget and you should be able to find one that’s right for your face as well as your pocket.

At the high end of the market, there are some very powerful formulas that use sustainable, rare clays that are highly effective. That said, if you’re willing to tackle the educational learning curve, you could even purchase your own clays and mix your masks yourself using a variety of ingredients like yogurt, raw apple cider vinegar, or honey to customize it to your needs. Fun and inexpensive but also messy and probably fairly inconsistent!

While every clay mask on the market promises to deliver its own unique results, there are some skincare transformations you can always count on when you use a clay mask regularly. Here are a few of those benefits:

(i) Clay masks remove impurities
Whenever you need to give your skin a deep cleanse, a clay mask should be the first thing you reach for. When wet, the clay binds to impurities and draws them out of your pores.

(ii) Clay masks help combat acne and reduce excess oil
Because of their cleansing powers, a clay mask can also be great for healing acne-prone skin and balancing out oil production on the face.

(iii) Clay masks have been credited with boosting collagen production
Research has also shown that treating the skin with clay helped to naturally increase collagen production, which can result in a more youthful appearance overall.

What About Sheet Masks?

While sheet masks have certainly had their fair share of being on-trend, they are a different beast compared to their clay counterparts. If you’re looking for a deep cleanse or an exfoliation, a clay mask will be your go-to. If you’re badly in need of more hydration, a sheet mask treatment might do the trick, although there are some great clay formulas that will do that too.

Tips for Choosing a Clay Mask to Add to Your Skincare Routine

Don’t get overwhelmed with all the options as you’re scouring the web for the perfect clay mask. Instead, get to know your own skin and its unique needs so you can substantially narrow down your search for something that's just right for you.

(i) Choose a clay mask suited to your skin type
We can’t emphasize this enough. Learning about your own skin is hugely important in your journey to selecting your array of products to feed in and out of your skincare regimen. Just because a new mask or brand is blowing up the internet doesn't mean it's perfect for your particular skin. Your skin is actually an organ. Your largest organ in fact, and everyone has skin that is unique to them. Get to know it, it's yours for life.

(ii) Is your skin currently oily or dry?
Are you dealing with sensitivity or signs of aging? For oily skin you can probably handle a more intense mask, but apply that same mask to dry skin and you might find it leaves your skin a bit red, irritated and slightly over-worked.

(iii) Pick a mask that targets specific skin concerns
Next, determine the main skincare issue you’d like to address with a clay mask. Are you on the hunt for something that will help with sun damage, reduce pigmentation, or combat dullness? Whatever you’re looking for, there’s definitely a clay mask somewhere that will hit the spot. Excuse the pun!

(iv) Pay attention to the active Ingredients
It takes a bit of research, but you should try to start learning about the ingredients that get used in the various mask formulas. Some will be very beneficial and you’ll want to look out for them when making your purchase. Alternatively, you might find there are some ingredients that, although recommended, don’t agree with your skin type so knowing that, you can avoid those products. 

Incorporating a clay mask into your skincare routine

Once you've found a mask, or a mask brand, that consistently delivers results for you, the next step is to incorporate it into your regular routine. Like going to the gym or eating clean, routine is everything if you want to see consistent and long lasting results. That said, with masks, one to three treatments per week will usually be enough. Before you know it, your skin will be looking absolutely glorious!